Saturday, May 10, 2014

Frog`s Garage Sale Adventure Log

So today , to support my Odyssey Of The Mind team (like schoolwork, but with more snacks), I`m working at a garage sale under my alter ego- D.J Froggy G, a hip dude wearing sunglasses willing to play any song whatsoever for anybody willing to shell out a few bucks. This is probably going to take a while, so I`m editing it live as the sale goes on.

7:32- Made my first sale! Unfortunately, it was only a quarter. But that was good- I think we can call it a day.

7:57- No DJ requests yet... ho hum.

9:13- Sale made bearable with discovery of multitasking- can now play Hearthstone AND do DJ work at the same time!

9:53- Still no Requests.... entertaining myself by sucking at games and blaming it on sun glare

10:34- Somebody gave me 5$ in donations because he liked the music. SUCCESS!

11:01- Got a request! Sadly, it was from mom- free by default.

11:19- Inventory is about halfway gone

11:25- Got my first PAID request! 

11:45- Took a healthy lunch break- 1/2 bag of Tortilla chips and 4 chocolate chip cookies

12:10- Went outside to promote sale by holding up sign

12:15- Decided sigh-holding was boring- resumed DJ duties

12:30- Still no freaking requests

1:07- Realized futility of meaningless existence, vowed to do something better with my life than complain about films

1:07- Idea completely forgotten about in favor of playing new AQWorlds release

1:23- My god, how long is this freaking garage sale?

1:36 - They`re starting to clean up!

1:38- Thank you for finally closing the sale up- wait, what? NO! NO, RANDOM GROUP OF CARS! DO NOT COME OVER HERE! I WANT TO GO HOME! AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!

1:40- All quiet on the Parking Lot front..... has it ended?

2:13 OH THANK GOD ITS OVER. Now back to being an unproductive slacker. Toodles!

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